Features LIST

  • FREE!
  • Unlimited file size uploading!
  • Unlimited Bandwidth!
  • Fast, fasy and free registration.
  • Upload several files at a time and then add the information to all of them on a single screen.
  • Upload from the simple web interface.
  • Share or make your files private.
  • Sortable full lists of files, users and clients.
  • Gallery format user page.

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FREE – Cloud Services

Unlimited Storage -Unlimited Bandwidth

FREE Cloud Services, with unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth and your own user account.  Upload your favorite pictures, songs, .zip, document or any file you want.  Share with other members or just keep your files private for access anywhere.

you can upload as much files as you want under each account, with the ability to add a title and description to each one.

zCloud provides easy and secure multi-file uploading and unlimited file size!  Register – Log in, you will see a web page that contains a sortable list of every file uploaded under your name, with description, time, date, etc. It also works as a history of “sent” files. You can check the differences between versions, the time that it took to do that, and so on.

Additional benefits include saving hundreds of mb. on email accounts since every file remains on your server until you decide to delete it, and they can be accessed from any browser anywhere.

Sign Up Now



It’s in the CLOUD !

Easy Retrival

Did you forget something at home?  No worries, login to your account from anywhere and have access to it at anytime.  Need to send a large file to your friend or family member and just not enough storage space in your email or present cloud service.


Allowed File Extensions

7z, ace, ai, avi, bin, bmp, cdr, doc, docm, docx, eps, fla, flv, gif, gz, gzip, htm, html, iso, jpeg, jpg, mp3, mp4, mpg, odt, oog, pdf, png, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, psd, rar, rtf, tar, tif, tiff, txt, wav, xls, xlsx, zip

Fast Upload

Unlimited Bandwidth Speeds!!